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Milton: 01223 928055
Haverhill: 01440 713223

Latest News

25 years on from the murder of Stephen Lawrence

As we approach the 25th anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence, and the BBC begins a three-part documentary about the case.

Former Auschwitz Guard Charged by German Prosecutors

A 94-year old former SS guard at the Auschwitz concentration camp has been charged by German prosecutors as an accessory to murder.

Another Mass Shooting in the USA

At least 17 people have been killed in a shooting at a school in Florida.

What does NHS compensation pay for?

Find out how compensation paid by the NHS can help to change a life, following a terrible medical accident, on the BBC.

Charity says family court delays are risking lives

A domestic violence charity has said that delays to family court guidelines changes are putting lives at risk, including those of children.

The end for employment tribunal fees

The Supreme Court has ruled that employment tribunal fees are unlawful. The fees regime, which came into force in 2013, will now end, and claimants are likely to have the fees they have paid refunded.


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Ely Road
Milton, Cambridgeshire
CB24 6WZ

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The EpiCentre
Enterprise Way
Haverhill, Suffolk