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Latest News

Rule change means BBC iPlayer is no longer free

New rules which come in today mean that people who watch BBC shows on catch-up on the iPlayer will now need to have a television licence.

Shock increase in discrimination against pregnant women and new mothers

MPs are calling for more to be done after a shock increase in workplace discrimination against expectant and new mothers over the last decade.

Police Federation calls for lifting of ban on visible tattoos

The Police Federation of England and Wales has suggested that the ban on visible tattoos operated by many police forces, including the Metropolitan Police, could be causing problems with recruitment of promising candidates.

UK government facing legal action over Brexit

The UK government is facing legal action by an unnamed group, to try to ensure that Brexit is not triggered without a debate and vote in Parliament.

New director of Liberty takes up post

Barrister Martha Spurrier, from Doughty Street Chambers, has taken up her post as director of Liberty. She takes over from Shami Chakrabarti.


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Nine Hills Road
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Ely Road
Milton, Cambridgeshire
CB24 6WZ

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Enterprise Way
Haverhill, Suffolk